No.AD 19181-94 SE (Ac)1-56-1, dated: 5-12-1956
Sub:- Procedure in Anti-Corruption cases
In modification of the procedure indicated in the Official Memorandum No.m.580-93/E.A.2-56-1, dated 13th April 1956, where Government propose to pass an original order in disciplinary case files of the Efficiency Audit Department the following revised procedure is brought into force forthwith.No.AD 19181-94 SE (Ac)1-56-1, dated: 5-12-1956
Sub:- Procedure in Anti-Corruption cases
1. The Special Officer, Efficiency Audit may after completion of investigations in a case submit the records of enquiry with the findings and recommendations to the Chief Secretary to Government in the General Administration Department, (2) The General Administration Department will forward it to the Administrative Department concerned for necessary action, except in those extraordinary cases where the issues and the officials involved are such that it is not deemed fit to consult the Administrative Department at all. In such latter cases, the Chief Secretary may take the orders of the Minister in the Administrative Department and Chief Minister, direct. (3) The Administrative Department will examine the report and take necessary disciplinary action promptly as per procedure laid down if it agreed with the report. As and when cases are so disposed of by the Administrative Departments, they should inform the General Administrative Department about the manner of disposal. (4) Where the Administrative Department is not in a position to agree with the report, its comments should come to the General Administration Department, where further action would be considered.
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