O.M.No.GAD 8 OSR, 59 dated 18th May1959
Sub:- Supply of copies of Evidence, etc. to delinquent officers.
In para 5 of the procedural instruction in regard to holding departmental enquires under the Mysore Civil Services (C.C.A) Rules, 1957, issued with O.M.No.GAD (OM) 3 CAR 57, dated the 14th December 1957, it has been stated that copies of such evidence as are required by the accused Government servant may be permitted to taken by him or at the discretion of the enquiry officer supplied to him. The question has been arised whether the supply of copies is to be free or charged for. It is hereby directed that normally the procedure should be that the Government servant himself should be permitted to take copies if he so desires and in this case there can be no charges. If in any particular case for special reasons, the enquiry officer feels that he should arrange to supply copies himself he may furnish uncertified copies and, consiering the labour involved a charge of 14 N.P. per 100 words may be levied. The enquiry officer should as far as possible should avoid the regular system of supplying copies and arrange that the delinquent official himself takes copies, as otherwise it will mean the setting up of a copying organisation in offices which have to deal with a large number of enquiries.Sub:- Supply of copies of Evidence, etc. to delinquent officers.
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