No.GAD 63 SSR 74 Karnataka Government Secretariat,
Vidhana Soudha,
Bangalore, Dated 3rd December 1974.
In cases which are investigated by the State Vigilance Commission under rule 14A of Karnataka Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1957 Government, after examining the investigation report and the records, can entrust the detailed inquires to the Vigilance Commission or it can direct the appropriate Disciplinary Authorities to take action in accordance with rule 12 aganist the Government servant involved in those cases. It has been brought to the notice of Government by the State Vigilance Commission that there has been delay on the part of various disciplinary authorities in initiating action against Government servants under rule 12 and in finalising the cases.No.GAD 63 SSR 74 Karnataka Government Secretariat,
Vidhana Soudha,
Bangalore, Dated 3rd December 1974.
It is observed that such delays have occurred especially in cases where the number of Government servants involved is more than one and where different Disciplinary Authorities are required to take action against them under rule 12 of the classification Control and Appeal Rules.
The question has been examined. If, in a case investigated by the Vigilance Commission under Rule 14A of Karnataka Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules 1957 more than one Government servants are involved all the Government servants may be proceeded against in a common proceeding and for this purpose, a joint inquiry will have to be ordered by Government in accordance with rule 13 of Classification, Control and Appeal Rules. While ordering a joint inquiry, the Disciplinary Authority in relation to the Government servant highest in rank may be nominated as the Disciplinary Authority and it may be specified in the order that such disciplinary authority will be competent to impose any of the minor penalties on all the Government servants after following the procedure under rule 12 of Classification, Control and Appeal Rules.
All the Secretaries to Government are requested to take action accordingly in such cases.
Deputy Secretary to Government,
General Administration Department,
(Service Rules).
exactly what is14A *