O.M.No.GAD (S-1) 80 RSR 57, dated 9th May 1957
Notifying the dismissal of Government Servants
Under the instructions in force, it has been the practice to notify the dismissals of Government Servants of erstwhile Mysore State in the Mysore Gazette in the following cases, viz:-Notifying the dismissal of Government Servants
(i) When it is necessary to notify to the public of the removal from service of an officer, whether because his appointment was previously gazetted or from any other cause; and
(ii) When it is specially desired to exclude from re-employment in the service of Government, a public servant who has been dismissed for a heinous offence such as fraud or falsification of accounts.
It is now considered that the above procedure should be made uniformly applicable to the whole of the new Mysore State. Therefore, in supersession of all the previous instructions in the matter, it is hereby directed that all cases of dismissals of Government Servants should be referred to the Chief Secretary to the Government in the General Administration Department (Services) every quarter for notifying the same in the Mysore Gazette and for enabling the compilation and forwardal of such notifications to the Heads of Departments, etc.
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